How to Thrift Stocking Stuffers

 In 12 Days of Thriftmas

Now that the stress of gift shopping is complete, it’s time to pick out some fun and lighthearted stocking stuffers! In our final “12 Days of Thriftmas” post, we’ll share some fun stocking stuffer ideas that you can grab for less than $10.00 at your local Goodwill.

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First, consider grabbing a few DVDs for your friends or loved ones. With hundreds of DVDs available at our Computer Works location in North Charleston, there’s sure to be some fan-favorite titles hanging around. If you aren’t near North Charleston – don’t worry! Most of our 31 locations also have an amazing selection of DVDs and music that you can choose from. In fact, we found the DVD pictured above at our Mount Pleasant (Six Mile) location. To see a list of our favorite holiday-themed movies, check out our previous post by clicking here.

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For those with fathers, brothers, husbands, boyfriends, etc. on their holiday shopping list – visit Goodwill and grab a nice tie they can wear to work. In the same Mount Pleasant (Six Mile) store, we found a great selection of ties for men of all styles. In fact, many were even brand name ties such as Calvin Klein!

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If you’re shopping for mothers, sisters, wives, girlfriends, etc. instead, then look at the scarf section conveniently located right next to the ties! Once again, we were able to find scarves for women of all styles. Best of all, whether you’re shopping for ties, scarves or both you’ll be able to find these great stocking stuffers for less than $10.00.

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Does she already have too many scarves? Then head on over to our Rivers Avenue location where we spotted these beauty products hanging around. Individually, each of these items were priced at just $3.99!  Body wash makes a great stocking stuffer as its very practical and used by everyone. Plus, this Goodwill find is less than half the cost of its original listing price at Trader Joe’s.

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Lastly, consider grabbing some fun and unique holiday-themed stocking stuffers. Several of our locations still have plenty of Christmas items available. Whether it’s ornaments for next year’s tree or a snowman coffee mug, there’s sure to be a unique find hidden among the Christmas section that will bring joy to someone on your shopping list.

If you’ve missed one of our previous “12 Days of Thriftmas” blog posts, feel free to check them all out by following the link above. Additionally, check us out on social media for shopping news, outfit ideas, thrifting inspiration and much more!

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