10 Things You May Not Know About Palmetto Goodwill

 In Fulfilling the Mission

Paper boxes compiled with picture frames that once kept the photos of your first love. Kitchen bags filled to the top of outfits you wore out on the town with your college friends as the city lights illuminated the sky. The mirror from your childhood bedroom. The table that hosted family dinners and neighborhood get-togethers. From the nights you won’t forget, the people you held dear, the house you made a home, and the memories that will last a lifetime—Palmetto Goodwill is ready to take the pieces that molded your life and assist in building another.  

Palmetto Goodwill understands that packing up and getting rid of items that have served you over the years is no easy feat, however, we graciously accept your past and are eager to turn it into the future for someone else.  

More than 90 cents of every dollar Goodwill generates helps provide support, for members of our community. Our primary goal is to impact individuals far beyond the shelves of our stores.  

Did you know that Goodwill did that?  

Because of you, we can help individuals achieve their full potential through the dignity and power of work, and we have embarked on a journey to enhance our mission through creative endeavors, services, and programs.  

We are more than a store and here are 10 things you might not know about us:  

      1. We offer online training and career certifications 

In partnership with Ed2go, Palmetto Goodwill understands the importance of investing in the future of education throughout our community. Everyone has a story to tell, and we want to help you write yours today. Ed2go offers the most in-depth courses online, local schools that employers know, and financial assistance for career training. Assisting in your aspirations to finish your education is at our forefront. What you do today matters. Sign up here and receive your online certifications now.  

    2. Career Navigators 

Need help navigating your next career? Let us help you. To learn more, click here  

    3. Senior Community Service Employment Program 

Palmetto Goodwill helps seniors find work, develop new skills, and build their financial security by taking advantage of the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP).  Participants gain paid on-the-job training in a variety of community service activities at non-profit and public facilities. Remote training opportunities are also available! Local seniors may qualify if they are 55 or older. To learn more, click here. 

  4. Career Credentialing 

Our goal is to provide a clear path to a better and brighter future for people in our community.  Palmetto Goodwill’s Career Credentialing Program is designed to help do that by offering intensive, on-site certification courses in fields such as Manufacturing, Welding, HVAC, Hospitality, Culinary, and CDL, along with hundreds of ONLINE offerings in high-demand fields like IT/Software. To learn more, click here. 

 5. Palmetto Warrior Connection 

Helping Veterans and Military Spouses achieve their full potential through the dignity and power of appropriate work. To learn more, click here. 

  6. Online Shopping 

Shop online for unique items, collectibles, antiques, designer clothes, and more! All proceeds go toward helping people find jobs. To visit our online shop, click here 

  7. Resume Assistance, Tools & Resources 

Need a new resume or help with a current one? We can help! Click here for more.  

  8. Ticket to Work 

Federally funded employment program designed to provide Social Security disability beneficiaries (i.e., individuals receiving Social Security Disability Insurance and/or Supplemental Security Income benefits based on disability) the choices, opportunities, and support they need to enter the workforce and maintain employment to become economically self-supporting over time. To learn more, click here. 

  9. Community Service 

When you choose to complete your community service with Palmetto Goodwill, your donation of time, talent, and expertise helps people with diverse challenges achieve their goals of becoming self-sufficient and contributing members of their community. To learn about the different community service options we provide, click here. 

  10. Career Opportunity Centers 

From job searches and resume writing to acing your interview, we’re here to help. Click here for more information and to find your nearest Career Opportunity Centers.  

Thank you to those who generously donate to Palmetto Goodwill. Because of you, we can provide support, education & job training for members of the community.  

We are always looking for new, innovative ways to further our mission. If you have any suggestions, please fill out the form below.


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