Palmetto Goodwill Community Service 

When you choose to complete your community service with Palmetto Goodwill, your donation of time, talent, and expertise help people with diverse challenges achieve their goals of becoming self-sufficient and contributing members of their community.

Court Ordered Community Service Policies and Procedures

Palmetto Goodwill welcomes individuals who are required by a court to do community service. We reserve the right to deny any individual in need of court-ordered community service hours the ability to volunteer with the organization based on the nature, type, and/or specifics of their offense. Palmetto Goodwill will not be a party before the specific Court which orders the service, there is no jurisdiction over the organization and the Courts cannot order Palmetto Goodwill to allow an individual to volunteer with the organization. Individuals will be judged solely by their offense(s) and not by any other means, including, but limited to age, race, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.

Below is the application process for court-appointed community service. All of the items listed are required to process your request.

  1. Completed court-ordered community service packet
  2. Copy of your State Issued ID and Social Security Card
  3. All information listed below

Individuals that are choosing Palmetto Goodwill to complete their community service must go through background checks that run through our organization.

These individuals must provide paperwork from the courts or from his/her probation officer to include the probation officer’s name, address, and telephone number, the offense for which the individual Is doing community service. the number of hours required and the completion deadline.

Palmetto Goodwill will not accept a volunteer for court ordered community service credit who is ‘being charged’, pleading guilty to or having been found guilty of certain serious offenses including but not limited to:

• Violent/ Abusive Offense
Ex: Murder, attempted murder, assault, domestic violence, child abuse, child neglect, or accessory to any of the proceeding offenses
• Theft/Breach of Trust/ Financial Fraud/ Burglary
Ex: Theft from employer, burglary, accepting stolen property, multiple check frauds, extortion, accessory to any of the proceeding offenses
• Sexual Offense/ Abuse

If interested in fulfilling your community service hours with Palmetto Goodwill, please pick a location and fill out the form below. Our stores are open 7 days a week from 9 am – 8 pm Monday through Saturday and 10 am – 7 pm on Sunday


    Community Service Application

    Release of Liabilities

    By signing this release, I indemnify and hold harmless Palmetto Goodwill and Goodwill Industries International (GII) from all claims, demands and causes of action, including injury incurred while action as a volunteer for Palmetto Goodwill.

    In addition, by signing this release, Palmetto Goodwill and GII have my permission to use any photographs or videos taken for the purpose of promoting the mission of Palmetto Goodwill and/or its Volunteer Program.

    Confidentiality Statement

    By signing this release, I understand that any information I may obtain concerning a person’s barrier to employment will not be disclosed to any other parties. Discussion(s) regarding an individual employed, volunteering or receiving services should only occur while acting within the scope of my volunteer responsibilities. Conversation regarding any other individual should not be discussed in any manner that can be construed as demeaning to the individual or in a manner not related to the task at hand.

    Shopping Policy

    By signing this release, I have read and understand Palmetto Goodwill’s Volunteer/Non-Employee Shopping Policy. I agree to follow all rules and regulations as stated in the policy and understand that failure to comply may render me ineligible to continue in my role in Goodwill’s Volunteer Program.

    Drug-Free Policy

    It is the policy of Palmetto Goodwill to operate in a drug-free environment. Volunteers are expected to adhere to a standard of conduct that will promote a drug-free environment.

    By signing this release, I have been informed that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance while volunteering for Palmetto Goodwill is prohibited. I also understand that should I fail to adhere to this policy that action will be taken against me, up to and including termination of my volunteer status.

    I understand that by my signature below, that I am to treat all persons with dignity and respect while participating in Palmetto Goodwill’s Volunteer Service Program. I have been informed of Palmetto Goodwill’s policies in regards to liability and confidentiality.


    (Vendors/Contracted Personnel/Community Service/Volunteers) 

    Palmetto Goodwill’s culture is rooted in providing ACE (Amazing Customer Experiences) to internal and external customers and upholding I-CARE (Integrity, Collaboration, Attitude, Respect, Excellence) Values in everything we do. This includes the way Palmetto Goodwill regards behavior in the workplace. 



    The Store Shopping Policy provides active team members the opportunity to shop and purchase items from any Palmetto Goodwill retail store location. 

    Processes and guidelines outlined in this integrity-based policy, support our I-CARE Values and ACE Culture. 



    This guideline applies to all active Palmetto Goodwill and Palmetto Goodwill Service team members, within all divisions and departments. 


    Palmetto Goodwill is responsible to our customers, donors, and the public. It is our responsibility to ensure we are good stewards of all donations and maintain the trust bestowed upon us by the communities we serve. 


    When a team member wishes to purchase any item from a Palmetto Goodwill store, boutique, or ecommerce site, it is the team member’s responsibility to follow the Store Shopping Policy guidelines. 

    Violations of this policy are subject to investigation and disciplinary action, up to and including immediate separation from the volunteer program. 



    1) Shopping is allowed during non-work hours ONLY. Shopping is not allowed during the work shift, breaks or mealtimes. 

    2) A “Home Store” is defined as the donated goods retail location to which a team member is assigned to work. This includes ecommerce, outlet, and Boutique locations. 

    3) Team members can shop at their home store 15 minutes or more before their shift, or 15 minutes or more after their shift. This blackout buffer is designed to support our value of integrity and eliminate any perception of policy violation. 

    4) Team members travelling between store locations, or outside of their “home store” for work related duties, may shop in the non-home store location AFTER they have concluded their work at that site and the 15-minute blackout buffer. 

    5) Merchandise must be selected from the sales floor. Merchandise cannot be taken directly from the production areas, donation areas, donors, warehouses, or trailers. No exceptions. 

    6) Team members must present their Palmetto Goodwill Team Member ID, business card or name tag at the time of purchase even if no discount is taken. If team members do not have a team member ID, team leaders may call the team member’s home store to verify current employment by store manager only. 

    7) A Team Leader (Store Manager, Assistant Manager, Lead) is required to ring up the team member’s purchase. If the person making the purchase is a member of management, another team leader must ring up the purchase. 

    8) Team members must sign the Team Member Purchase Log maintained at each store location for any sale, regardless of using the Team Member discount. The purchase log will be at the register at time of checkout. 

    9) Store leadership must fill out log details, sign the log, and initial the team member’s receipt. 

    10) Team members should retain purchase receipts as proof-of-purchase for bag check purposes. 

    11) Purchases made prior to the team member’s designated shift can be stored in their work locker along with the printed and initialed receipt. 

    12) The Store Shopping and Team Member Discount Benefit cannot be combined with any other store sale, discount, or promotion. 

    13) Team leadership reserves the right to check lockers, bags, purses, bookbags, duffle bags, vehicles and/or any other location where there is cause to believe merchandise has been stored or stashed. Team leaders will check barbs, price stickers, and receipt details to verify purchases. Items not purchased as outlined in the Store Shopping Policy will be subject to confiscation and the team member will be subject to corrective action up to and including separation from employment.



    1) In order to give our shoppers the most selection and to ensure Palmetto Goodwill is maximizing the value of the merchandise that has been entrusted to us, purchases CANNOT be made from the processing ‘Color of the Week.’ (*NOTE: Team members may ask what the processing color of the week is from any Donated Goods Retail team member working in the store location.) 

    2) Items CANNOT be set aside, stashed, or put on hold for purchase at a later time or date. 

    3) Team members CANNOT ring up their own purchases. In the case where there is only one team leader in the store and this is the person who wants to make the purchase, they must wait until there is another team leader present to make the purchase. 

    4) Team members CANNOT ask another team leader to ring up a sale AFTER it has been denied by one team leader for good cause. 

    5) Team members CANNOT alter the flow of donated and/or new goods in any way. Merchandise must be selected from the sales floor. Merchandise cannot be taken directly from the production areas, donation areas, donors, warehouses, or trailers. No exceptions. 

    6) Family and Friends are not eligible for the Store Shopping and Team Member Discount Benefit. If a team member wishes to purchase items for friends/family, the team member must be present, off duty, and present their team member ID. 

    7) Family and Friends CANNOT purchase color of the week merchandise. 

    8) Family and Friends CANNOT stash/store items for team members to purchase later with their discount. 

    9) Team Members CANNOT shop at a new donated goods retail store opening until the 10th day after the new store has opened. 



    Theft is an egregious violation of Palmetto Goodwill’s I-CARE Values and ACE Culture and will not be tolerated. Theft will result in immediate separation from employment.


     For purposes of the Store Shopping Policy, Theft is defined as: 

    • Removing donations and/or merchandise from Palmetto Goodwill property without paying for them. 

    • Paying donors for items intended for donation to Palmetto Goodwill. 

    • Taking items designated for Salvage or items placed into the Trash for disposal. 

    • Placing merchandise in lockers, purses, bookbags, duffle bags, vehicles, on their person, or any other location that have not been paid for, with or without the intent of paying for it later. 

    • Adjusting or changing prices prior to making an individual purchase, the purchase by any customer, another team member, family, friend, or acquaintance. 

    • Under-ringing, not charging, or overlooking items being purchased. 

    • Taking items from any donation site, warehouse, or trailer, without proper authorization or approval. 



    Actions considered theft, stashing, sweet-hearting, and/or under-ringing, will be referred to Loss Prevention for immediate investigation. 

    Items unlawfully removed from Palmetto Goodwill’s property will be considered criminal theft and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
    I have read and understand the Non-Goodwill Employee Purchase Policy. I agree to adhere to this policy and I understand that violation of this policy could result in termination from the community service program with Goodwill.



    As a recipient of charitable contributions, Palmetto Goodwill recognizes its responsibility to ensure that funds received are used to further its mission and to safeguard the assets of the corporation. 

    In order to uphold the highest standards and ensure the integrity, honesty, and reputation of the entirety of the Palmetto Goodwill movement, officers, team member, volunteers and program participants are asked to voluntarily abide by the company’s Code of Ethics and Accountability. 


    The Code of Ethics provides guidance and direction for Palmetto Goodwill team members. Team members of Palmetto Goodwill are committed to demonstrating I-CARE Values and observing and promoting the highest standards of ethical conduct in the performance of their responsibilities. Palmetto Goodwill team members pledge to accept this code as a minimum guideline for ethical conduct and shall model: 

    Integrity – Operation in an open, truthful environment and strive to meet the highest ethical standards. Fully disclose, at the earliest opportunity, information that may result in a perceived, or actual conflict of interest. 

    1. Fully disclose, at the earliest opportunity, information that may result in a perceived, or actual conflict of interest. 

    2. Faithfully abide by the organization’s policies and procedures. 

    3. Exercise the powers invested for the good of all members of the organization rather than for personal benefit. 

    Collaboration - Achieve great things together and build success through relationships with team members and partners. 

      1. Promote collaboration, cooperation, and partnership. 

      2. Fully disclose, at the earliest opportunity, information of fact that would have significance. 

    Collaboration - Achieve great things together and build success through relationships with team members and partners.

      1.  Promote collaboration, cooperation, and partnership. 

      2. Fully disclose, at the earliest opportunity, information of fact that would have significance. 

    Attitude - Serve with humility and a passion for our mission, bringing out the best in ourselves and others.

    1. Maintain a professional level of courtesy, respect, and objectivity in all Palmetto Goodwill related matters.

    2. Share your passion for Goodwill’s mission and be a Goodwill Ambassador in the community.

    Respect – Welcome everyone, creating a culture of inclusion, empathy, and belonging.

      1. Respect the diversity of opinions as expressed or acted upon by other Palmetto Goodwill team members.

      2. Embrace and champion Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging among Palmetto Goodwill team members.

    Excellence – Set and achieve ambitious goals to provide maximum community impact.

      1. Exercise reasonable care, good faith, and due diligence in all work-related endeavors. 

      2. Ensure the organization is executing the Strategic Plan to deliver community impact. 

    The conduct of officers, team members, volunteers, and program participants of Palmetto Goodwill has an impact on our ability to manage our financial resources and serve the community. In order to strengthen our ability to comply with the Code of Ethics and Accountability, we will ask each officer, team member, volunteer, and program participant, to conduct themself in a manner that upholds all applicable laws, regulations, and promotes our I-CARE values and ACE culture. 

    Officers, team members, volunteers and program participants are requested to exercise ethical decision-making, recognize, and report when asked to do something that might be illegal or unethical. This would include deciding on a course of action, determining responsibility, reviewing all relevant facts and information, and referring to all applicable Palmetto Goodwill policies or professional standards. 

    Additionally, when considering whether an action goes against ethical, moral, and professional standards, everyone understands the importance of consulting with others when presented with a dilemma on an issue. Officers, team members, volunteers and program participants of Palmetto Goodwill are accountable to this code of ethics. Any action in contrast to this Code of Ethics will be viewed as a violation of company policies and guidelines and grounds for administrative review and appropriate corrective action. 

    Individuals in leadership roles are requested to voluntarily comply with the Code and related Financial reporting, Business and Management Practices, Marketing and Communication Activities, Professional Responsibilities, Service Delivery and Contractual Relationships. 

    Palmetto Goodwill’s representative in all contractual relationships will be the CEO or their designee. The vested responsibilities include negotiating terms and signatory authority. Other Palmetto Goodwill team members may be directed to solicit contracts and discuss terms of agreement in accordance with ethical expectations as outlined in the business, marketing, and financial expectations.

    ACE of Diamonds in our ACE Culture – is exemplified by great first impressions. How team members show up represents Palmetto Goodwill’s brand. A team member’s dress, grooming and hygiene should be appropriate for the work situation and to serve as a model for program participants, consumers, and customer service receivers. Proper work attire should be worn during the workday and/or any time a team member is representing the organization. 

    Palmetto Goodwill strives to provide a work environment free of safety hazards, offensive behavior, and harassment of any kind. Dress, grooming and hygiene of team members is determined by the function, safety, and appearance presented to customers and the public. 

    The following guidelines have been established to assist team members in adhering to the company’s established Dress and Personal Appearance guidelines and to support the values of Palmetto Goodwill. 



    Team members consistently working in office areas or representing the organization in a professional setting are expected to dress in a manner that is normally acceptable in business establishments. Dress should be appropriate for the audience and business situation. 

    Consideration should be given to the use of perfume, cologne, and other odors that are disruptive to others. 

    Clothing that states or alludes to an obscenity, violence, advertises any illegal substance, is suggestive, displays any political messaging or affiliated groups is prohibited. Federal regulations prohibit nonprofit organizations from engaging in certain political activities or risk losing their nonprofit 501(3)(c) status. 

    We celebrate and support a culture of diversity, inclusivity, and belonging in our workplace. Our values ensure team members create a safe place of belonging, have a will-do attitude, show respect for others, and deliver excellence on our culture of Amazing Customer Experiences 

    Reasonable accommodations will be reviewed for team members’ sincerely held religious beliefs and disabilities when such accommodations do not cause undue hardship to the organization. 

    Team Leaders are responsible for interpreting and ensuring team members are supporting appearance guidelines. Any team member whose appearance does not meet the standards will be counseled by their team leader and may be asked to leave to change into appropriate attire.



    Retail and Donated Goods team members are governed by the specifics outlined in the Donated Goods Standard Operating Procedures and Uniform Policy. 

    Team members working within the Donated Goods Division shall wear uniforms to present a positive, uniformed, and professional image to the community. Work attire must be clean, neat, and well maintained at all times. The store dress code includes a name tag, so team members can be easily identified. Appearance communicates our image and what Palmetto Goodwill stands for as a brand. 



    1. When you arrive to your designated store to begin your community service, please ask for a store manager so that you can let them know you are there to start your community service. They will have received an email from the Community Service Coordinator that you have been cleared and your clock in number will be supplied to them as well as yourself

    2. Show your ID and tell the store manager or lead that you have been approved for community service and would like to clock in

    3. When you clock in you will use PalGW Workforce Now Kiosk. Please see a manager or store lead for questions.

    4. If you go out for any reason or go on break, you must clock out and clock in upon your return.




    8. HOURS THAT YOU WERE THERE. The store manager is not responsible for tracking hours, the only way to track your hours is through the TIME FORCE system. No exceptions are made

    9. It is your responsibility to keep up with your dates and times that you have worked

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