Founded in 2014, Palmetto Warrior Connection is a workforce development agency, servicing veterans, spouses, & dependents throughout the state of South Carolina. Critical funds & monetary donations are leveraged to broker comprehensive wraparound & career support services including enrollment, job placement, upskilling, and career credentialing for participating clientele.

October 22, 2021

Thank you to Palmetto Warrior Connection for always helping out veterans. They have so many resources that they help with. Big thanks to Mr. Queen for helping get my vehicle repaired to get to my PTSD appointments.

October 22, 2021

As a veteran who was new to the Charleston area, I am beyond grateful for the services the Palmetto Warrior Connection team has provided. With the help of the PWC staff, I have been motivated and inspired to continue to push myself every day. Fortunately, with much needed support and assistance, I started online courses and even a new job, shortly after enrollment.

 Even though times were tough, (they still are) I am continuing to do everything possible to make the most of the invaluable resources, in which PWC provides the community.

I get excited to share my experience with others in need of a little help - during these tough times... whether I am at the VA, church, or simply walking through the beautiful city of Charleston - I do my best to pass on my experience with Palmetto Warrior Connection.

 I sincerely appreciate their support, patience, compassion, and understanding.

Thank you.

October 22, 2021

My greatest memory as a young boy was to help others.  As a local veteran, Palmetto Warrior Connection has enabled me to accomplish many of my goals—short & long term -- which has helped me remain productive in personal and professional pursuits.

The work, time, insight, & resources Palmetto Warrior has invested in me has allowed me to make a positive impact in society.  To have Palmetto Warrior Connection have faith in me, and to be there for me in a difficult, challenging time in my life has been paramount. I can now accomplish what I am truly passionate about to make a massive impact in the life of other veterans. I am interested in creating a wellness program for veterans with PTSD. At Palmetto Warrior they have built a culture based on teamwork, compassion, accountability and integrity. PWC has a culture that is results oriented - A culture where every veteran will have the opportunity to self-develop. PWC staffing works hard to make sure veterans experience a meaningful journey by staying in constant contact on a daily basis, advocating constructive habits that leads to a manageable life.

Palmetto Warrior Connection’s mission statement is wanting what is best for a veteran.

October 22, 2021

I enrolled in the Palmetto Warrior program to get my commercial driver’s license. At the time I was in a dead-end job and just looking for something better so that I could support my family. The process was very easy, and the people were excellent to work with. I was able to quickly start my training within a week or 2 and once I passed the test, they even helped to find me a job. That training was the best thing that happened to me. I was able to pull myself out of a terrible financial situation and now I am helping my girlfriend to finish training as well. Not for cdl though for coding. Palmetto Warrior helped to change my life and I am forever grateful.

October 22, 2021

My fellow veterans,

It wasn’t very long ago that I was depressed, demoralized, unemployed, and feeling pretty hopeless. In one year I had a heart attack followed by a triple bypass, I was forced to retire early because of it. Then, after 43 years of marriage, I navigated an unfortunate divorce which left me a financial mess. I was at the lowest point of my life. I was 68 years old, raising three young grandchildren and didn’t know how I was going to do it. My heavy lifting work days were over and after several unsuccessful interviews and fruitless job fairs I firmly believe that I was a victim of outdated skills and age discrimination. I did not see a bright future.

The only thing I knew about Palmetto Warrior Connection at the time was that they helped those in need. It never occurred to me that they could really help someone like me – then I reached out. With their encouragement, patience, and guidance I was able to move forward with my life. In addition to helping me job search, they called me frequently just to make sure I was doing well and managed to lift my spirits on more than one occasion. With their help I was able to update my resume and eventually find suitable employment.

I will always be grateful to the wonderful people at Palmetto Warrior Connection. They helped me dig out of a huge hole that I didn’t believe I could escape from. Palmetto Warrior helped me regain the dignity and self-respect that I had lost.

During World War II, when Germany was bombing London nightly, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was asked to give a commencement speech at a local college. Things were pretty grim then, but he agreed to give the speech. It turned out to be one of the most inspirational commencements of all time. It was also the shortest.

“Never, never, never give up.”

Those five words are as powerful and meaningful today as they were then.


No matter what your situation may be today, remember the words of that great man & never ever give up.

October 22, 2021

I have lost my job because of this awful virus, the bill collectors are blowing up my phone up, a Process Sever from Small claims court knocked on my door because I cannot pay my bills, I tore my rotator cuff in my left shoulder, 2 immediate family members died from Covid and I couldn’t go home to Ohio to attend the funerals and now my vehicle needs to be repair for $1400.00 dollars and has been sitting at Baker Motor’s for the last six weeks -  What else Father, what else, I can’t take anymore! 


While I still had internet service, I sent an email to Palmetto Warrior Connection to ask for vehicle repair assistance. To my surprise, because I had lost all hope with what was going on with me, I received an email Mr. Husser and he advised that Joe Queen would be contacting me soon.


Of course I had to go through the initial intake process, and provide to PWC the necessary documentation. I still was hanging from that cliff, but Mr. Queen’s words of encouragement and guidance helped me to find my inner strength again - There was no guarantee that my vehicle would be fixed - I still needed employment and so forth.  


And then I got the call, I was approved for the repair and on top of that, Baker Motor’s hired me! 


I was reminded by God, to always put Him first in my life, that I am a Veteran, a retired Police Officer - a “Phoenix” rising out of the ashes to start anew! 


Thank you PWC.

October 22, 2021

Living in the woods behind Walmart, I panhandled for jobs, food, & money to survive. I was taken to 180 Place for shelter. It was wintertime then. From there I was introduced to Palmetto Warrior Connection, a group who offered to help me in bettering my employment prospects. Mr. Wiggins helped me a lot, I give much thanks to him. Mr. Sabb, Mr. Salemi, and Mr. Queen jumped on top of my homeless situation. Palmetto Warrior Connection pointed me in the right direction and helped me to eventually secure an apartment by covering the up-front deposit. The Palmetto Warrior team was very concerned in my future employment status, offering me more education opportunities, on the job training, and technical computer skills. I owe PWC a great deal.

 Mr. Queen also helped me enroll into the V.A.’s compensated workforce therapy program & even stayed on top of everyone to make sure I received the proper help that I needed. Palmetto Warrior Connection also called in to check in on me from time to time, to see if needed further assistance with anything at all.

I feel powerful because Palmetto Warrior Connection helped me get back on my feet and even secure a safe apartment. That I could not have done on my own.

Thank you to the team at Palmetto Warrior Connection.

October 22, 2021

I am a combat veteran who is on disability due to my injuries during desert Storm.

After coming back to the State and healing both physically and mentally which took a matter of years, I found that a lot of companies whether they want to admit it or not have a problem hiring a disabled person let alone a disabled veteran. After being turned down for years of employment, I resulted in working for myself in the pet sitting position. I ended up calling in love with that job because I loved my animals so much. After moving to where I live at now, employment has become an issue with larger companies running out the independent pet sitters such as myself. I ended up being introduced to Mr. Joseph Queen of Palmetto Warrior Connection. He has been wonderful as far as finding me a position of employment in Pet industry. Within a month I've gained so many opportunities of which at this point I have been given employment in the job field that I love so much.
Thank you to the team at Palmetto Warrior

October 22, 2021

The program at Palmetto Warrior Connection is a life saver for any veteran that's lost and trying to find their way back. I would encourage all veterans who need help to go to this program. Everything about this program is awesome. I couldn't have done it without them. I finally got my life back on track, working to get my own place, and am able to do for me and my daughter once again. And for that I say thank you. God puts certain people in once life for a reason and I feel as though this program was put in mine for a reason as well. I'm so lost with words because I've never experienced hospitality such as this. Y'all made me feel at home and like I belonged at this program and that I could do it. That by itself speaks volume. So again, I would like to say thank you and I hope that more people, not just veterans, find out about this diamond in the dirt, program. It can really change your life. All you have to do is want it.  Thank You.

October 22, 2021

Thanks to Mr. Queen and the Palmetto Warrior Connection organization. They helped me to find employment within a few days. Mr. Queen got my resume squared away and made it public to employers. Within days a few employers were contacting me for employment. Thanks a lot for your help Joseph Queen and PWC, I appreciate it a lot!!!

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Palmetto Warrior Connection, granted by America’s Warrior Partnership and in collaboration with Goodwill Industries of Lower SC, is to be the first stop for Palmetto State Warriors for a holistic approach to care. Palmetto Warrior Connection (PWC) serves as the first stop for Palmetto State Warriors and their needs. PWC values a fierce commitment to care for the warrior and their family with the intent to bridge the gap between military and civilian and make the transitioning process as smooth as possible.


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