Team Talks: Faye Wilson

 In Fulfilling the Mission

Palmetto Goodwill is proud to celebrate Black History Month! Join us this February, as we honor African American history and culture by sharing testimonials from a few of the powerful leaders that make up our organization.

Introducing our second Team Talk Spotlight, Faye Williams. She is a supervisor at the Naval Weapons Station Dining Facility!

What does BHM mean to you?

It symbolizes a month that for so many years, a lot of people – Black people in general – have gotten overlooked, and it’s a good way for them to get noticed and represented.

What is a moment in Black history that influenced or shaped your career/life or that particularly resonates with you?

For me, when Barack Obama and Michelle were in the White House, it just let us know as Black people that anything is possible. It gives the young children hope and lets us know that there is something we can be other than somebody’s maid cleaning hotels or washing somebody’s dishes. Black people, Black kids can be president, they could be anything that they want to be now.

What advice do you have for people looking to start their careers or become leaders today? 

At least at Goodwill, it’s an easy way. It’s a quick easy way for young kids to get started. And there are a lot of chances for advancement. You don’t have to stay where you are. Put forth the effort and a little work, and you can advance.

What motivates you to come to work each day?

For me, it’s the people. They make the job worth coming to because you see the reaction on their faces when they see you, and they get to love you just like family. It just brightens your day. You never get a bad word out of hardly any of them.

What is your favorite mantra or quote?

I do have one that I always say. I love the quote “the word try only leaves room for failure.” I got somebody to put it on a plaque for me.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

If you want a good laugh, come to Ms. Faye!

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