Simple Yet Thoughtful Gifts for Mom & Dad

 In 12 Days of Thriftmas

Getting gifts for Mom and Dad during the holidays can be tough. Chances are, neither Mom nor Dad will drop many hints on what they’d like to unwrap on Christmas morning. However, a safe bet is to always prepare a thoughtful and meaningful gift rather than an expensive item that won’t get much use or have any sentimental value. Thankfully, today’s “12 Days of Thriftmas” holiday gift guide for Mom and Dad will reveal some gift ideas that will make your parents happy, and your bank account even happier!


Gifts for Mom

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One great idea is to pick-out some of Mom’s favorite flowers and pair them with a nice vase that can be reused throughout the year on other special occasions. Luckily, there’s many local florists and grocers who will prepare a well-arranged bouquet of flowers – some even being holiday-themed. Plus, finding a vase can be as easy as stepping into your local Goodwill! The above photo features several vases found at our Six Mile location in Mount Pleasant. Unlike other retailers where vases can be priced upwards of $30.00, a vase at Goodwill was only $1.99. If you don’t believe us, feel free to zoom into the photo and check out that price sticker!

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If flowers aren’t her thing, consider printing some photos from past vacations, family gatherings, holidays, etc. and having them framed. Our Rivers Avenue location had an assortment of frames from as low as $2.99. A well-framed photo is a definite heartwarming gift that will demonstrate thoughtfulness without requiring a steep investment.

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For something that will get more everyday use, consider gifting a handbag, tote or purse. Whether she’s out shopping, hanging out on the beach or commuting to work, a new bag is a practical item that’s sure to impress Mom.  Thankfully, your local Goodwill is sure to have a variety of brands and styles to choose from when selecting a bag.


Gifts for Dad

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Even if the weather has cooled off, there’s still plenty of golfing left to be done. Whether he’s a beginner or a seasoned veteran, there’s a great variety of clubs to complete Dad’s golf set. Typically, golf is considered a rather expensive sport to play. However, thanks to Goodwill you can grab a club for as low as $1.99! Our Rivers Avenue location featured lots of clubs available at this price. Depending on your luck, you may even find an accompanying golf bag to pair with those new clubs!

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Continuing the sports theme, try keeping an eye out for miscellaneous team gear throughout the store. While looking through kitchenware, we spotted this Clemson football cup for just $1.99. A gift like this proves especially timely as we near the college football playoff. For all our Gamecock fans, don’t worry! There is plenty of team memorabilia for both South Carolina and Clemson that can be found throughout our 31 locations.

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Lastly, consider grabbing dad a new cookbook. In fact, a cookbook works great for Mom or Dad and be handpicked based on their individual food preferences. For example, we found this barbecue cookbook at our Six Mile location in Mount Pleasant. As an added touch, add a thoughtful note to the front cover of the book or flag some pages you may think make for great meals.


For more holiday articles, check out the rest of our “12 Days of Thriftmas” blog series and follow us on social media!

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