Lydia Brown – Graduate of the Year

 In Fulfilling the Mission, Job + Life Advice
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As a single mom of two young daughters, Lydia worked paycheck-to- paycheck but knew she wanted to provide more for her young family. She needed a new career, but she wasn’t sure what she was meant to do or how to get started.

Her parents worked in manufacturing and struggled financially, but they always inspired Lydia to seek a path forward. “My parents always encouraged us to pursue our dreams and goals and to go after our passions,” she explained.

When her parents both fell ill, Lydia stepped in. Witnessing her father receive hospice care and caring for her mother throughout a lung cancer
battle, Lydia realized her passion and purpose in life was caring for others.

As a referral through the SNAP2Work program, Lydia came to Palmetto Goodwill seeking assistance in achieving her goal of becoming a certified nursing assistant (CNA). With the help of Palmetto Goodwill, she completed her CNA training and earned the
highest grade in her class.

Lydia is now a team member at Somerby Assisted Living, where she was recently honored as Employee of the Month. She provides
financially for her family and set a new goal to become a licensed practical nurse within the next five years.

There is no doubt Lydia will achieve whatever she sets her mind to and that an even brighter future is ahead for her and her daughters!

Watch Lydia's full story

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