Holiday Treats for Pets and Pet Owners

 In 12 Days of Thriftmas

Chances are you’ve spent more time shopping for your pet then some of your closest friends. After all, your pet is the first one to greet you after a long day at work, so they probably deserve a nice surprise every now and then. However, it’s also important for pet owners to treat themselves to useful gifts that can be enjoyed by both them and man’s best friend. So, whether it’s a cat, dog or anything in between we’ve compiled a list of items that both you and your companion will enjoy unwrapping on Christmas morning. Best of all, there’s no need to visit overpriced pet stores or place expensive orders online, as we found each of these gifts while thrifting!

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For those who own both a pet and a smartphone it’s probably a safe bet that a large portion of the camera roll is dedicated to man’s best friend. Digital photos are nice, but if your pet is truly a member of the family then shouldn’t they have a spot on the mantle with everyone else? Thankfully, we spotted the perfect frame for dog-owners at our Rivers Avenue location in North Charleston, one of our 31 locations throughout lower South Carolina. Priced at just $4.99, this paw-print picture frame is perfect for demonstrating love for your pet. Even better, the total cost for this gift should be well under $10.00 even after printing the photo to be framed. Plus, this is a great choice for an eco-friendly gift as discussed in our previous blog entry, How to Celebrate the Holidays Sustainably.

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Perhaps some of our pet owners already have framed photos of their companions. In that case, consider something like these pet wipes we found while thrifting at our Mount Pleasant location. According to the label, these wipes will remove dirt and odor while leaving fur shiny and clean! For just $2.99, this gift could even make a great stocking stuffer for most pet owners. In fact, it might be a good idea to use these wipes on your pet to spruce them up before taking a nice photo to frame!

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Lastly, for our cat owners we spotted this Breeze litter system. Recently, we found this item listed online for $32.98 on a well-known pet retailer’s website. However, the Breeze litter system was available at our Rivers Avenue location for just $7.99! At just one-fourth of the price, this is a gift that is both practical and economical for cat owners.


Now that pet owners have some great gift ideas in mind, try checking out a few Simple Yet Thoughtful Gifts for Mom & Dad or other holiday entries from our “12 Days of Thriftmas” blog series.

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