Spring Cleaning – Getting Started on the Big Stuff

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If you read last week’s Spring Cleaning post, you should have your “reason,” need to catch up? Click here.

Today, our friend and professional organizer Keri Scott of Once Upon A Clutter is sharing tips on getting started in the bigger spaces throughout your home:

Getting started on any organization project begins with de-cluttering. No matter how big or how small the project is, it all starts there. Larger spaces like garages, living rooms and bedrooms can seem daunting without a plan of attack.  You must first start by getting rid of anything that doesn’t belong in the space. This makes the plan of execution much easier to breakdown into small steps.

De-cluttering consists of two simple parts; identifying what gets tossed and what gets donated. Have plenty of trash bags available for this process, as you will quickly realize just how much can be tossed while in the mindset of organizing.  You will also feel great about donating items that you don’t need or want to others that may have a need.  Find a charity or a cause that you stand behind like Goodwill to accept your donations. This will make you feel even more resolved to just “let go”.

Once you have de-cluttered, the process of getting organized becomes much more straightforward. As you think about the space and how you would like to utilize it, you will want to begin grouping like items together in the areas that you want to find them. This part of the process is all about you! Organize your things so they are easy to find and easy to put away. This will allow you to enjoy your daily routine while limiting the time you spend searching for things or picking up after yourself. Get your entire household on board with your new plan of organization and see what a difference it makes. Once the cloud of chaos and disorganization has lifted, you will want to move on to other areas of your home- until you have hit every nook and cranny!


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