Celebrating Women Veterans Day

 In Holidays + Occasions

Celebrating Women Veterans Day

Today, Palmetto Goodwill and Palmetto Warrior Connection would like to recognize the many brave women who have served in the United States military.

In 2019, South Carolina First Lady Peggy McMaster read a proclamation at the State House, declaring June 12 as Women Veterans Day across the Palmetto State.

On this day in 1948, President Harry Truman signed the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act into law. For the first time in American history, this act enabled women to serve as members of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force.

According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, there are more than 42,000 women veterans currently living in South Carolina. In fact, as of 2015, more than 11% of all veterans from South Carolina are women. Nationally, about 9% of all veterans are women.

Furthermore, a greater percentage of women veterans have attained higher education or are enrolled in higher education compared to men veterans.

If you know a veteran and would like to give her a special shout-out today, please find us on social media! We would love to recognize and thank them!


About Palmetto Warrior Connection

Transitioning from military to civilian life is not easy. Palmetto Warrior Connection (PWC) helps South Carolina veterans and military spouses with every stage of their civilian career from start to finish.

We are fighting the trend of under-employment through training and job search strategies that will lead Warriors to an in-demand career with pathways for advancement. PWC also supports veterans who have housing issues of any kind, and we serve as a referral point for all other community resources in 18 counties.

Our goal is to help all service members determine the best path forward so click here to learn how we do that.

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