Candace Hartley – Achiever of the Year

 In Fulfilling the Mission, Job + Life Advice
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Within six months, Candace Hartley had left her 25-year marriage and grieved the deaths of her youngest brother and her father. Understandably, she was struggling with depression and her self-
confidence, and she describes this period as the lowest, darkest point of
her life.

She wanted to rejoin the workforce but finding the strength or a path seemed overwhelming. Fast-forward two years and Candace was hired by Palmetto Goodwill into a food service position at the Naval Weapons Station. It didn’t take long before her potential and attitude were noticed and she was selected for a position in the busy mailroom at Joint Base Charleston. In this role, Candace has not only excelled, but she has also regained her confidence through daily interactions with customers and team members.

In addition to her role at Joint Base Charleston, Candace is a national SourceAmerica Speakers Bureau member. She now shares her story with myriad audiences, including all staff members from the South Carolina Senate and congressional offices throughout the 18 counties
Palmetto Goodwill serves. She has become a passionate advocate for people with disabilities and enjoys the opportunity to be a voice for others.

Candace credits Palmetto Goodwill’s support network and training for her overall growth and explains, “Since coming to Palmetto Goodwill, I feel I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.” She attributes the assistance she received as the catalyst for helping her restore herself as a person.

Watch Candace's full video

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