Break Up With Your Stuff

 In Holidays + Occasions

Hey you, yes you! We know that breakup was hard.

You’ve cried the tears, you’ve felt the pain, but as Taylor Swift said, “we are never ever, ever, ever getting back together. Like, ever.”

You don’t need your ex, you’ve got us! Though we may not be able to mend your broken heart, we CAN help you start fresh this Valentine’s Day.

So, now that you’ve said your final farewells to your ex, it’s time to say good riddance to their bad rubbish as well.

But don’t just toss the toxic to the trash, donate the things you are not in love with anymore to Goodwill.

When you donate to Palmetto Goodwill, your donations allow us to fund our mission of providing employment services and job training to those with barriers in our communities.

Moving on can be a good thing – especially when it helps people in your community build brighter futures! We get it, breaking up is hard to do but making a difference in your community is easy.

Ex means thanks for the EXperience, and their time has expired, so, now it is time for them and their stuff to exit your life – but you don’t have to do it alone.

Click here to find a donation center nearest you!

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