Message from our CEO  (3/24/20)

Palmetto Goodwill is committed to the health and safety of our donors, shoppers, employees and program participants. These are unprecedented times; a time of great uncertainty for all of us and a new situation for local Goodwill organizations across the United States.

Out of an abundance of caution and keeping in mind Goodwill’s unwavering commitment to the health and well-being of our community, we are voluntarily closing our retail stores, donation centers, and training facilities, temporarily. Effective March 25, stores and other Palmetto Goodwill facilities will remain closed until April 13. If COVID-19 conditions improve before then, we will open sooner. We will continue to monitor the situation and seek guidance from local health departments on an ongoing basis and update the community on any revisions to this timeline.

While brick-and-mortar stores and donation centers will close to the public tomorrow, we will continue accepting donated goods in “self-service” containers located near the donation drive-throughs.  Donated items are still very much needed for our mission of employing individuals in our community, which is more crucial now than ever in our recent history. Please know donated items will be quarantined, then sanitized before ever being sold. In addition, the community can still support Goodwill by shopping in the convenience of their home at


Message from our CEO  (3/16/20)


Dear Valued Goodwill Customer, Donor, Program Participant, 


We know there is growing concern about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) as a significant health event. The well-being of our customers is our top priority. We want you to know that Palmetto Goodwill is monitoring the latest reports from state and federal agencies regarding suggested actions for organizations serving the public. 


We are taking precautionary measures to ensure the health and safety of our customers, program participants, and our staff by increasing the cleaning and sanitation of all hard surfaces within our stores/ donation centers and providing hand wipes and sanitizer for added precaution.   


All Palmetto Goodwill retail and donations centers will continue normal operations while we continue to closely monitor the situation, and we thank you for your continued support as a valued customer. Again, our customers, donors, program participants, and staff are our highest priority. 


“Goodwill Strong” 

Robert Smith 


Palmetto Goodwill Operations:

  • All Palmetto Goodwill stores are currently open daily from 10 am – 7 pm
  • Additional cleaning and precautionary measures have been implemented at each location
  • All Palmetto Goodwill donation centers are accepting donations, though drop off is now self-service
  • Labeled donation bins are located at each drive thru – donors are asked to place items in the appropriate bins
  • All donations are quarantined for three days before going to the sales floor
  • Pick-up service is still available
  • All Career Opportunity Centers are currently closed to in-person visits
  • Virtual services and coming online soon – there are many resources available for individuals who have been laid off due to the Coronavirus.


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