Launch your culinary career with:


Are you looking for an opportunity to get your foot in the door of the food and beverage industry? Maybe you’re looking to switch fields all together and start on a culinary path? If so, our Culinary Kick-Start program is for you!

This community partnership will provide you with hands-on training, employment readiness and job placement services:

  • Hands-On Training. Each candidate will complete four full days of prep-cook training at Lowcountry Food Bank and two days of on-the-job training at Holy City Hospitality Kitchens. Participants will learn food safety and sanitation, kitchen equipment and knife basics.
  • Job Readiness Course. Succeeding in the workplace requires more than experience and training. Employers are looking for people who have the “soft skills” that lead to success. Palmetto Goodwill’s Soft Skills for Workplace Success course provides the tools candidates need to get, keep and excel in their jobs including time management, conflict resolution, workplace demeanor and professionalism.
  • Job Placements. Following the program, Goodwill will work with candidates one-on-one to identify and prepare them for appropriate job opportunities including resume writing and interview skills. The program will commence with an opportunity to interview with several restaurants including 39 Rue De Jean, Virginia’s on Kin, Coast, Victor’s Social Club and more.

Apply NOW for this FREE Prep-Cook intensive 8-day training and job placement program. There are a limited number of spots available.

July 14: Application period closes
July 17-21: Candidate interviews
July 24: Apprenticeship winners announced
August 14: Work-readiness training at Palmetto Goodwill
August 15-18: Kitchen training at Lowcountry Food Bank
August 21-22: Apprenticeship days at Holy City Hospitality
August 23: Ceremony and job placement interview

This program is presented by:




Terms and conditions: Applications must be received via by July 14, 2017. Select candidates will be asked to take assessments and attend interviews. Final apprentices are chosen based on determination, merit and previous work experience. A maximum of eight apprentices can participate.


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