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Your donations allow us to fund our mission of providing employment services and job training to those with barriers in our communities.
Choose to shop online or in-store at one of our 31 locations throughout South Carolina. Click below to locate your nearest Goodwill.
Palmetto Goodwill is now offering online career certification courses at no cost to qualified applicants! Choose from hundreds of free courses.
2022 Community Impact
[mk_milestone icon=”mk-icon-weixin” icon_size=”large” align=”center” stop=”95608″ text=”Services Provided” text_color=”#1e73be” font_family=”none”]
[mk_milestone icon=”mk-icon-users” icon_size=”large” align=”center” stop=”10075″ text=”People Served” text_color=”#1e73be” font_family=”none”]
[mk_milestone icon=”mk-icon-gears” icon_size=”large” align=”center” stop=”2426″ text=”Individuals Trained” text_color=”#1e73be” font_family=”none”]
[mk_milestone icon=”mk-moon-flag-3″ icon_size=”large” align=”center” stop=”1092″ text=”Veterans Served” text_color=”#1e73be” font_family=”none”]
[mk_milestone icon=”mk-icon-recycle” icon_size=”large” align=”center” stop=”30000000″ speed=”2066″ text=”Million lbs. of Goods Diverted from Local Landfills” text_color=”#1e73be” font_family=”none”]