Georgetown County Career Connection (GC3) was established to facilitate the movement of individuals and families facing poverty (from unemployment or underemployment) to stable full-time employment that promotes well–being for individuals, families and communities. GC3 goals include full time employment, employment retention and advancement, growth of earning potential and the personal fulfillment of participants. In the larger community, the program aims to improve the quality of the workforce, reduce welfare dependency, and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the region’s economy.

GC3 partners include Palmetto Goodwill, Helping Hands, A Father’s Place and Friendship Place. This collaborative program includes an intensive, week-long job training and preparation course; one on one mentoring; career path courses; and paid training/apprenticeship opportunities.  Each of the four agencies work together to provide a one-stop employment program for those in the community seeking support to find not only a job, but a meaningful career.

The program strives for excellence through an ongoing four step process: Recruitment, Job Preparation, Job Placement and Career Advancement. Additional support is offered through Life Skills Classes.

For more information on the Georgetown County Career Connection program please fill out the form below, or call ?

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