Description of the Plan

    Your Individual Career and Financial Plan (ICFP) will help you plan your goals and work toward them with assistance from the Operation: GoodJobs Team. First, your plan will outline any obstacles you may be encountering in obtaining or maintaining employment. Second, your plan will outline your strengths, aptitudes, and abilities, and finally, your plan will include your overall goal(s) and the steps you plan to take to achieve them considering your strengths to manage the obstacles to obtaining or retaining employment.

    All information provided in this document will be kept CONFIDENTIAL. We will disclose protected information only as required by federal law in instances involving possible victims of physical assault, neglect, financial exploitation, rape or sexual molestation, and domestic abuses of elders, spouses, partners, or children.

    Why do l need this Program?

    Are you currently unemployed?


    If yes, for how long?

    01 – 12 weeks13 - 26 weeksmore than 26 weeks

    If no, how many hours per week do you work, and what is your rate of pay?

    What is your primary reason(s) for participating in Operation: GoodJobs?

    Find employment (full-time, part-time, temporary).Find a better job (career advancement).Further my education (GED, College courses, OtherBetter financial awareness.Help my family's future.

    Why do you wish to enroll in Operation: Good Jobs?


    What concerns do you feel hinder your ability to maintain a job or advance in your current position?

    ChildcareTransportationEducationLegal IssuesFinancialSpecial AccommodationPublic Assistance

    Childcare: Do you have children?


    Do you need assistance in finding reliable childcare?



    What is your primary mode of transportation?

    Own vehicleWalkBicycleBusFriend/Relative

    Do you have a valid driver's license?


    Do you have a valid CDL?


    Do you need assistance obtaining a license?


    Do you own a car?


    Legal Information

    Have you ever been convicted of a felony?


    If yes, what years, and what were your conviction(s):

    Do you have any outstanding warrants?


    Are you currently on probation/parole?


    Special Accomodations

    Do you have documented disability that prevents you from working?


    If yes, please explain:

    Do you have any health issues that prevents you from working?


    If yes, please explain:

    Are there any additional needs or accommodations that you require to go to work?


    If yes, please explain:


    List degrees and/or certificates. Please include school and graduation year:

    Are you interested in other training classes? If so, please describe.


    Check the box by each statement that applies to you. Please be as truthful as possible.

    I know exactly how much total debt I haveI calculate my net worth (total assets minus total debts) annuallyI have an emergency saving account with at least $600 in itI have a written budget or spending planI have written financial goals with a date and dollar amount (ex: $1,000 for new computer by Jan '16)I have enough money each month to pay my rent or mortgage payment and all other household billsI plan for expenses that only come up once or twice a yearI have adequate life insuranceI have homeowners or renters' insuranceI pay my credit cards in full each monthI know the interest rate on all my credit cardsl am saving for retirementI have a will and advance medical directivesI always pay my bills on time and do not have any late payments on my creditI have reviewed my credit report within the last yearI know my credit scoreI comparison shop for services and major purchases by checking at least three sourcesI have never used a payday or title loanI have a checking accountI keep organized financial records and can find important documents easily

    Financial Fitness Level - Count up the number of checkmarks to get your score. If you scored 16-20, you are doing a great job and are above average in managing your finances. If you scored 11 - 15, you are doing a fair job of managing finances and have taken some steps in the right direction. If you scored 6 - 10, you are headed for financial difficulty. Now is the time to act and get back on track. If you scored 0 - 5, you need lots of help, but don't worry! It is never too late to take steps to improve your finances.

    S.M.A.R.T. Goals

    Crafting S.M.A.R.T. Goals are designed to help you identify if what you want to achieve is realistic and determine a deadline. When writing S.M.A.R.T. Goals use concise language but include relevant information. These are designed to help you succeed, so be positive when answering the questions.

    Initial Goal (Write the goal you have in mind):

    Specific (What do you want to accomplish? Who needs to be included? When do you want to do this? Why is this a goal?)

    Measurable (How can you measure progress and know if you've successfully met your goal?):

    Achievable (Do you have the skills required to achieve the goal? If not, can you obtain them? What is the motivation for this goal? Is the amount of effort required on par with what the goal will achieve?):

    Relevant (Why am I setting this goal now? Is it aligned with overall objectives?):

    Time-bound (What's the deadline and is it realistic?):


    I participated in the development of this plan. I understand that this is my plan and the goals outlined in the plan are mine. I may at any time choose to make changes to my plan. I understand that the Operation: GoodJobs Staff will review my plan periodically. The staff may make recommendations for updates and modifications to my plan so that I may achieve my goals, but it is my responsibility to uphold the responsibilities outlined in my plan and to work with the Operation: GoodJobs Staff and my support system to attain success. I understand that this program is a minimum one-year agreement and I will maintain a working relationship throughout this time. My signature below indicates that I have received a copy of my plan and that I agree to work towards the goals that I have outlined.

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