Board of Directors


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Herbert L. Drayton III
Immediate Past Chair
President & CEO
Hi Mark Capital
Why do you love Goodwill and choose to serve on the board?
My life has evolved to be one of community service and entrepreneurial engagement, so Goodwill's mission aligns well with me. We are transforming the lives of the folks who come through the training and educational programs we offer. We have a tremendous positive impact on these people. I also love the work that Goodwill does with veterans. I was in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves and served six years in U.S. Air Force, myself, so that is important to me.
Rob Phillips
Finance Chair
Retired Executive VP
Why do you love Goodwill and choose to serve on the board?
Because the mission is about lasting change, the kind of change that impacts you now but also impacts generations. It’s about the dignity and power of work, which leads to confidence, which leads to finding the ability to improve all of the elements of your life. I see my service on the board as an opportunity to give back a small portion of the blessings that have been bestowed upon me.
Jamie Lynch
Director of Integrated Services
Why do you love Goodwill and choose to serve on the board?
I love Goodwill because its mission is practiced every day and the fruit of these efforts are tangible. The mission is effective in improving the quality of life of our customers and can make a generational impact. I serve on Goodwill’s board because the mission aligns with my personal values and commitment to serving others.


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Dr. Catharine Almquist
Retired Former Vice President, Trident Technical College
Why do you love Goodwill and choose to serve on the board?
Goodwill believes in the power of people - both individually and collectively. And they put those beliefs to work every day improving the lives of their clients, customers, and employees. I believe in the life-changing power of education and have spent my career fostering better access to higher education. I love serving on the board of an organization that seeks to remove barriers and expand access to education, training, and employment opportunities.
Darryl Brown
Board Chair
Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce
Sr. Director of Military Affairs
Why do you love Goodwill and choose to serve on the board?
Goodwill’s mission is helping citizens achieve their full potential and I'm a firm believer in the dignity and power of work. Everyone wants a fulfilling career that supports them and their family. I serve on the board of Goodwill to help connect industry with the talent that Palmetto Goodwill helps develop.
Nina Magnesson
Good Strategies
Co-Founder, Principal
Why do you love Goodwill and choose to serve on the board?
Palmetto Goodwill advocates for those of us who need resources, training & encouragement to find a livelihood that enables them to thrive personally and economically. I serve on the board of Palmetto Goodwill to raise awareness in our community of all the incredibly important services this organization provides and to support the staff in accomplishing their organizational goals.
Michael D. Moxley, MD, FACOG
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Why do you love Goodwill and choose to serve on the board?
While there are myriad opportunities to serve and elevate the quality of life for the community, Goodwill’s mission especially resonated with me. Having a sustainable impact on those of us who need support, as well as those who come behind us, is what motivates me to participate in Goodwill’s vision. I am fortunate to have the privilege to serve in such a respected organization.
Michelle Woodhull
President, Charming Inns
Why do you love Goodwill and choose to serve on the board?
To be able to serve on the Palmetto Goodwill board is an opportunity for me to give back to the Charleston community that has long supported my business and the hospitality industry. Goodwill’s mission of helping others achieve their full potential through education, training, and employment aligns with my personal and professional principles. I look forward to being a part of the strategic opportunities ahead to accelerate the impact of Palmetto Goodwill in our communities.
Erica Wright
Municipal Association of SC
Legislative and Public Policy Advocate
Why do you love Goodwill and choose to serve on the board?
I serve on the board of Palmetto Goodwill because I want to be the change that I desire to see in my community. It's not enough for me to observe the great work of this organization; I want to actively participate.
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Brian Itzkowitz

President & CEO

Brian Itzkowitz is an accomplished social enterprise leader with over 20 years of experience working within the Goodwill network of 155 independent non-profit agencies. In October 2021, he was appointed by the Palmetto Goodwill Board of Directors as the new President and CEO.

His previous executive positions include Chief Member Advancement Officer of Goodwill Industries International in Rockville, MD., Chief Executive Officer of Goodwill Industries in West Palm Beach, FL, and President and Chief Executive Officer of Goodwill Industries of Arkansas.

Over the years, he received several honors and awards including the GII: Thinking to Action Award – Family Strengthening (2010); the GII Advocacy Leader Award for five years (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017); Arkansas Recycling Coalition Community Involvement Award (2011); GII Center of Excellence – Family Strengthening Award (2011); GII Retail Excellence – Mission Support Net Profit Award (2012); Arkansas Business Non-Profit Executive of the Year Award (2013); and the GII Retail Excellence – Growing the Business Award (2014).

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