Spring Cleaning – Time to call in a pro!

 In Home

Spring is a great time to clear the clutter from your homes and start fresh as we head into warmer months. We’re excited to team up with local organizing pro Keri Scott of Once Upon A Clutter. She’ll be providing a tips, tricks and motivation to whip every closet, cabinet and drawer into shape. This week, she’s chatting about your reason for decluttering and her tip for getting started because the first step is always the hardest!

My name is Keri Scott and I am the owner of Once Upon A Clutter, LLC.  Once Upon A Clutter is a home organizing and home management company which strives to create balance andorder in the lives of the individuals we serve. I begin every project with the end in mind. I ask myself, “What is the reason I am doing what I am doing?” The “reason” behind any project is what drives the execution of the plan.  I first launched this company because I believe in helping others and in so doing, adding to their quality of life. That is my “reason”.

Most of my clients are looking for peace of mind and freedom from the chaos that clutter brings to their lives. Removing clutter and getting organized allows them more time and more energy to do what they love.  In a world that is fast paced and relentless, being able to find a sanctuary at home is extremely important. Home should be a place that reflects all that matters most to the people living in it.

Before getting started on any organizing project, ask yourself what your “reason” is. This will help jumpstart your purpose and it will continue to keep you motivated through the project’s completion. Once the reason is identified, the first step is easy; just begin.

I often encourage my clients to begin in the room where they spend the most time. This is often the bedroom. Because that is where the day starts and typically where it ends, clients enjoy starting there so that they can begin to feel an immediate return on their efforts. Of course, it doesn’t have to be the bedroom, but pick the space that will yield the quickest results to help yourself stay motivated and avoid burnout.


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