Palmetto Goodwill Honors and Supports Veterans Today and Everyday

 In Fulfilling the Mission

Each year, Veterans Day presents us with an opportunity to honor members of the armed forces who have served our country and made tremendous sacrifices to protect our great nation. Today, we hope you’ll join us in recognizing all veterans as well as those currently serving and their families.

From physical battle wounds to psychological distress, many veterans returning home find it difficult to reintegrate into society, the workforce and family life. These challenges can cause stress, depression, and feelings of isolation for both the veteran and their family members, making it difficult to achieve financial and emotional stability.

Palmetto Goodwill is proud to support veterans through numerous programs, initiatives and events throughout the year. Through two main programs including our sister organization Palmetto Warrior Connection, we’re able to reach many generations of veterans.

  • Our Veteran Employment Program helps pre-9/11 veterans find and keep jobs. By assisting each veteran on an individual basis, we are able to provide the guidance and resources to help each veteran succeed in the workplace and beyond.
  • Palmetto Warrior Connection (PWC), was founded to provide post-9/11 veterans the help and resources they need to successfully transition home after their service to their country. PWC’s goal is to be every veteran’s first stop to living their best life possible once leaving the military. The dedicated, passionate staff walks with veterans every step of the way, directing them toward the services and opportunities that will help them reach their goals. From housing, education, employment, benefits, mental health and everything in between, PWC can help.

If you are a veteran, soldier, or part of a military family, we can help you find employment and find ways to transition back to civilian life. Please visit any Job Link Center or visit the PWC office located at 2150 Eagle Drive in North Charleston.



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